Tabloid Wars (Part III)

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "New Warsaw Express"

The fight is heating up on Poland's daily newspaper market – or at least that's the impression you'll get from the pages of the Super Express and Fakt tabloids.
"Ania (20) is a secretary in a Warsaw office. As we can see she can enliven even the greyest surroundings…" reads the caption beside a topless photo on Super Express's page 6 on Monday.
Naked breasts were not a regular feature in Super Express until Fakt's launch three weeks ago. But since then the paper has upped the stakes – and lowered the tone of much of its coverage. Tuesday's front page also led with an intrusive article on the troubled love life of President Kwasniewski's daughter Ola, who, it alleges, has just dumped boyfriend Marcin.
Even Agora, the publisher of the intellectual-run daily Gazeta Wyborcza, has jumped into the fray with its free daily, Metro. Polish readers may be in for a true tabloid war in the next few months.


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