Cooking With Stella

A Canadian-Indian comedy that has gentle but obvious things to say about the clash of cultures

Award-winning photojournalist Dilip Mehta has dipped his toe into feature film-making, with sister Deepa alongside: they have co-written this unexceptional comedy that resembles Deepa's Canadian-Indian hybrids such as Bollywood/Hollywood rather than the heartfelt social-conscience dramas Water and Earth. This revolves around a cook (Seema Biswas) who artfully dupes her employers at the Canadian high commission in Delhi out of a few hundred rupees here and there; the arrival of a new diplomatic family, containing house-husband chef Don McKellar, is the trigger for some gently obvious cross-cultural lessons on both sides. Biswas ages up to play a standard-issue Indian granny figure – her groundbreaking portrayal of Phoolan Devi in Bandit Queen seems a very long time ago.

artfully: sprytnie

dip: zanurzać

dupe: naciągać, nabierać, oszukiwać

groundbreaking: oryginalny

heartfelt: szczery

resemble: przypominać (coś)

revolve around: obracać się wokół

rupee: rupia

trigger (for something): bezpośrednia przyczyna, wyzwalacz

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