The Horde

A cops v criminals v zombies bloodfest. Sample dialogue: 'Urrgh!', 'Arrgh!'. By Xan Brooks

How many writers does it take to make a B-movie about a band of cops and criminals getting eaten by zombies? The Horde credits five: an impressive tally for a film that offers little more than a conveyor-belt of fights and bites, gunfire and gouging. But hey-ho and away we go, from penthouse to pavement, as our trigger-happy escapees come barreling through a derelict French tower block, emptying round after round into the shadows, where the monsters wait to grab them. The descent is hard, fast and cacophonous, and it drives the characters senseless. Before long they are bug-eyed and blood-spattered, confined to saying "Urrgh!" and "Arrgh!", all reason gone. In the meantime we sit in the dark, like the hapless creatures in Animal Farm, looking from man to zombie and struggling to tell just which one is which.

barrel : przemieszczać się szybko

cacophonous : kakofoniczny, nieprzyjemnie brzmiący

confined to : ograniczający się do

conveyor-belt : przenośnik taśmowy

derelict : opuszczony

descent : zejście

gouging : wyłupianie, wydłubywanie

hapless : niefortunny, nieszczęsny

tally : rejestr, okragła liczba

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