William Bingham Tappan: Hour of Peaceful Rest

THERE is an hour of peaceful rest 
  To mourning wanderers given; 
There is a joy for souls distrest, 
A balm for every wounded breast, 
  'T is found alone in heaven.         5
There is a soft, a downy bed, 
  Far from these shades of even— 
A couch for weary mortals spread, 
Where they may rest the aching head, 
  And find repose, in heaven.  10
There is a home for weary souls 
  By sin and sorrow driven; 
When tossed on life's tempestuous shoals, 
Where storms arise, and ocean rolls, 
  And all is drear but heaven.  15
There faith lifts up her cheerful eye, 
  To brighter prospects given; 
And views the tempest passing by, 
The evening shadows quickly fly, 
  And all serene in heaven.  20
There fragrant flowers immortal bloom, 
  And joys supreme are given; 
There rays divine disperse the gloom: 
Beyond the confines of the tomb 
  Appears the dawn of heaven.  25

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