- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Filmy
- Kategoria: Recenzje filmowe z Guardiana

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Kurt Russell's second film this week is a proficient, workmanlike but quite soulless girl's-own horse-race fantasy - think Seabiscuit dunked in a mug of cold tea; more National Rayon than National Velvet. Dakota Fanning, that unnervingly precocious 11-year-old, plays the daughter of a horse-trainer played by Russell, who is going broke. One of his prize thoroughbred fillies called Dreamer breaks a leg on the track and he is about to put it down, but little Dakota has fallen in love with Dreamer and begs her daddy to save the poor beast. He does, and she patiently nurses the horse, by now her own property, and darn me if Dreamer doesn't make a miraculous recovery and even looks like going for glory again on the racetrack.
I seem to remember Scarlett Johansson beginning her career in the bigtime at the age of 14 in The Horse Whisperer, with a not dissimilar saving-a-horse-from-the-chop scene - but there it was impossible to tell what sort of adult actor she would eventually become. With Fanning, it is oddly clear. Her adult persona is vividly present, in embryo, in her child's face, and it is a disconcerting experience watching her perform.
bigtime- znacząco, znaczący, ważny, bardzo
darn me!- a niech mnie, niech mnie licho!
disconcerting- niepokojący, kłoptliwy
dunk- zanurzać
filly- młoda klacz
go broke- być na skraju bankructwa
persona- osobowość
precocious- przedwcześnie rozwinięty
proficient- biegły, wprawny
recovery- powrót do zdrowia
soulless- bezduszny
thoroughbred- rasowy, czystej krwi
unnervingly- w irytujący, denerwujący sposób
vividly- żywo, żywotnie
workmanlike- zrobiony fachowo